May 21, 2024
Student Assistant
TU Delft
Cities are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and urban populations are facing catastrophic, escalating health and economic impacts from climate change. To adhere to the Paris Agreement's internationally accepted target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.
Globally, cities have been developing and implementing Climate Action Plans (CAPs) with the stated goal of making emission cuts. Though such plans have the potential to produce large effects, to date, these initiatives have notic ably failed to yield substantial progress. There is a need to evaluate CAPs and provide systematic evidence that can be used to improve both the plans themselves and their implementation.
Your responsibilities will include:
(1) Developing a comprehensive codebook to systematically analyse CAPs,
(2) Analysing CAP elements such as ambition, breadth across sectors, implementation
strategies, evaluation methods, and budget allocations,
(3) Examining how CAPs address transport and human health,
(4) Evaluating how CAPs differ across a range of political, sociodemographic, and
climatological contexts,
(5) Creating climate action progress scorecards for dissemination via multiple channels.
We are recruiting a TU Delft student with the following interests and experience: - Strong interest in the intersection of climate action, city planning, and health - Experience with research projects and qualitative methods
- Skills in graphic design and web design
- Excellent reporting and communication skills
- Fluent in English; Dutch proficiency is advantageous
- Demonstrated excellence in teamwork and collaboration
- Strong interpersonal skills and project management capabilities
We expect you to work on this project for 8h-16 hours/week, on average. You will be paid via FlexDelft. Working hours are flexbile.
before 5 June 2024
To apply, please send your CV and a short motivation letter to Dr. Deepti Adlakha [d.adlakha@tudelft.nl] and Dr. Marjolein van Esch [m.m.e.vanesch@tudelft.nl]
We are also open to supervising MSc thesis projects on this topic. Please get in touch!