// Faculty
The MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences programme at TU Delft is underpinned by the renowned Dutch experience in architecture, spatial planning and the built environment professions and has an international orientation drawing on the multinational faculty of staff and students. The teaching approach borrows from the Dutch tradition of working in a multi-disciplinary way with students working in groups to create integrated solutions for the built environment. Urbanism has an international reputation for academic research, scholarship and education built on the Delft Approach to Urbanism. This approach is knowledge-based, design-oriented, and multiscale, in which landscape architecture, urban design and planning closely collaborate with engineers, data scientists, sociologists, geographers, and ecologists. Urbanism is seen as an interdisciplinary planning and design activity that focuses on the (re)creation of sustainable urban landscapes aimed toward climate adaptability, circularity, social equity, and ecologically inclusive urbanisation at all scales
// Track Urbanism
The Urbanism track draws on the Dutch tradition of combining urban design, landscape architecture and spatial planning. Students learn to integrate social, cultural, economic and political perspectives with the natural and man-made conditions of the site in order to shape and plan for more sustainable development. Established as a separate department in 1948, Urbanism at TU Delft has a long history of helping guide urban areas and regions.
What you will learn
Students learn to work on several scales, from regional strategic visions to neighbourhood redevelopment projects. Through these projects students respond to local trends such as congestion, mobility, urban renewal, shrinkage and densification and global trends such as globalization, the financial crisis, climate change, demographic trends and the energy transition.
The Urbanism Track aims to provide the prospective urban planner/designer with academic skills to analyse urban environments and urban developments in a critical way and to propose new solutions for an efficient, sustainable and livable organisation and management of the urban environment.
Read more at TU Delft – Urbanism
// Track Landscape Architecture
The Landscape Architecture track deals with design through all scales as an architectonic composition of natural and artificial materials. It is an independent design discipline related to Urbanism and Architecture. The landscape architect is a designer of outdoor space: from architectonic ensembles and urban spaces through to large-scale urban, rural and infrastructural landscapes. The landscape design process is a synthesis of art and technology in which consideration is given to the formal, material and cultural qualities of the site.
What you will learn
Students learn to see landscape as a contextual underlay for understanding, ordering and acting in spatial transformations. We emphasise the historical continuity of landscape as a process of time and flows.
Situated within the faculty of architecture and the built environment, this programme focuses on landscape architecture from the context of architecture and design, urbanism and the building sciences. All aspects of the discipline are covered: from planning to design practice, from theoretical considerations to practical exercises, and from research to policy-making. Developing core design skills on real sites is the centrepiece of the programme.
Read more at TU Delft – Landscape Architecture
// Graduation Labs
Design of the Urban Fabric
The Design of the Urban Fabric graduation studio deals with the dynamics and interplay between the physical urban environment (elements, materials, form, scales, density and networks) and the psychological, socio-cultural, ecological, managerial and economic processes to foster a sustainable and livable places. The climate crisis and increasing social diversification and inequality are urgencies that ask for new strategies of urban transformation. The studio engages design as a method of inquiry, generating hypotheses to investigate alternative futures.
Transitional Territories
Transitional Territories studio works on the present and future conditions of the urban and territorial project in lowlands regions (maritime, riverine, and/ or delta areas). We see the agency of Urban Design as the fine-tuning of the ever-changing interrelations between natural processes, societal practices, and (geo)political frameworks. The leading hypothesis is that the territory is a shared project – independently from scale – wherein the urban always co-constructs with nature. Our projects focus on the design of alternative forms of coexistence and care in highly dynamic geographies characterised by fragility, criticality and risk. We offer a rich program of lecture series by international experts, film making, workshops, fieldwork, exhibitions, and symposia
Planning Complex Cities
The complexity of our contemporary urban system urges us to understand and expose its wicked reality, vulnerabilities, and challenges. That is why planning schemes, governance arrangements, and civic participation in regions and urban areas are investigated in the Planning Complex Cities graduation studio. The studio’s core ambition is to influence the transformation of spatial structures to achieve more sustainable socio-spatial outcomes. The studio’s primary focus is on trans-disciplinary approaches that integrate knowledge from the fields of design, planning, the political sciences, and geography. Students learn to appreciate plurality in planning decision- making, understand planning systems, approaches, and instruments, and combine spatial with institutional design.
Metropolitan Ecologies of Place
Given the ongoing climate and socio-ecological emergencies, it is paramount to support an environmentally and socially just rethinking of the world we inhabit, which is intrinsically dependent on the health of the earth’s systems. This requires a radical transformation of the role of designers and innovative strategies in delivering spatial quality and creating sustainable and regenerative metropolitan environments. The MEP graduation studio addresses the challenges mentioned above. Students will explore design beyond normative aesthetic and performative proposals as a mechanism to orchestrate, choreograph and negotiate spatial, ecological and territorial frameworks to avert the multiple contemporary crises. The studio will experiment with fabrication techniques, material testing, drawing and animation through scales, mixing the use of digital and analogue media to develop students’ curiosity, imagination, and voice in urban landscape design.
City of the Future
City of the Future is a multidisciplinary graduation studio for students of the MSc tracks (i) Urbanism, (ii) Architecture , and (iii) Management in the Built Environment. Students of the (iv) MSc Geomatics for the Built Environment participate upon agreement of their graduation coordinator . In addition, students of the MSc Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (from CiTG and TPM) participate in this studio, primary from the MSc track (v) Policy. (already enrolled) TIL MSc-tracks (vi) Design and (vii) Engineering may also apply upon agreement of their graduation coordinator. This is an interdisciplinary lab, in which you face urbanisation colliding with all kinds of transitions. Matters like densification, mobility and accessibility, social inclusiveness, availability resources of the city have a direct influence on the public space and functioning of the urban systems, as well as on well-being and social interconnectivity.
Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure, and is focused on landscape architectonic design of transportation-, green- and water infrastructures. These landscape infrastructures are considered armatures for urban and rural development. With movement and flows at the core, these landscape infrastructures facilitate aesthetic, functional, social and ecological relationships between natural and human systems. Through transdisciplinary design-based case studies at different scale levels Flowscapes seeks for a better understanding of the dynamic between landscape processes and typo-morphological aspects; here interpreted as flowscapes.
// Evaluations
As a study association, POLIS supports the Department of Urbanism and Landscape architecture at TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture Urbanism and Building Sciences to evaluate the education program. The aim is to facilitate a better education programme and learn from student experiences. POLIS lets students have a say about the education programs through quarterly reviews.It plays the role of a mediator between students and the department in keeping the level of education balanced and updated while continuously recommending suggestions for upgrades. This implies the level of education, the program, the organization, the schedule, the study-load and the quality of teaching. Besides we stay in contact with the teachers and organizing staff of the department to discuss the evaluation meetings and give feedback where needed.
// Meet the Dutch Practice
This is the office visit series where students get a first hand experience of the Dutch urbanism and landscape architecture practice. It allows for the students to expose themselves to the projects, design principles and the office atmospheres in the professional setup. This would help them prepare for their career decisions when they graduate. This also includes networking events were students are encouraged to meet with the offices and gather their cards.
Next office visit is to Flux Landscape Architecture on 25 October 2023. Register soon as they have limited seats based on the accommodation capacity of the office.